My Introduction


I’m 25. From the Northeast. Have a BA and MA in english and education. Couldn’t find a job. Broke up with a boyfriend. And got offered a chance teaching English (primarily honors!) and coaching tennis in Texas. Excited for the opportunity, but scared to be out on my own in a new state in a new place with a big girl job!  Going to use this job so that my close friends and family can follow my journey while being able to keep it anonymous enough that my new students and colleagues can’t find me (allowing me to be more controversial than I can be on my regular social media).  Hang on, I’m new to blogging, so it may be a wild ride!

So, I’m a (young) woman of contradictions. But I don’t mind that. It just makes it difficult to share all of my opinions and new/exciting/scary/different experiences with my big move to people from any one social circle, because I’m so all over the place. All of the following statements are true:

I’m a city girl from the Northeast (and love it).

I willingly moved to rural Texas (and love it).

I’m super traditional in how I live my life.

I’m politically quite liberal.

I’ll never vote for anyone named Clinton.

I have a BA in English and an MA in Education.

I never loved being a student.

I’m a feminist.

I’m a Christian.

I have many friends who are athiests.

My BFF is a lesbian.

I’m a virgin.

I like to eat (everything).

I like to swim and hike, but you won’t see me running if I’m not being chased by a tiger.

I coach tennis.

I like college football.

I don’t really care for most sports.

I just broke up with a long term boyfriend.

I grew up in super tight, nuclear family I’m still psycho close with.

I’m really excited that I just moved 1,700 miles from my nearest close friend or relative.

I hate blogs.

I’m excited to start blogging.

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